Gps Tracking Device
& App Technical Features
The technical features below are available on many of our devices, the GPS tracking data (telematics) collected will be valuable as you make important decisions about your life and business.

GeoFencing allows you set a perimeter virtual fence around a designated map area, when the GPS unit crosses the fence threshold then an alert will be created and shown on our system. This feature is great for monitoring family members and making sure employees continue to work. Imagine being notified when your teenage driver deviates from the school path or being notified when your elderly parent decides to take a drive to Alaska, utilizing GeoFencing technology those potentially bad events can be mitigated by immediately creating an alert.
Speed Monitor

Speed Monitoring allows you to be sure that a driver is exhibiting safe driving procedures. An alert can be created when a driver/device moves faster than a pre-determined speed. You as a business owner, parent, or concerned son/daughter then can make a call and choose to actively communicate with the person driving unsafely.
Fuel Monitor

An important cost aspect of fleet operations is fuel. Our devices allow you to monitor the filling up and use of fuel. By analyzing fuel consumption, you can be alerted to bad route selection, excessive weight on vehicles, low tire pressure, or other maintenance issues. You can also monitor a driver and verify that the user filled up the tank when he/she claimed to
RPM Monitor

Just like the speed monitoring technology, RPM monitor lets you know when an excessive amount of engine RPM's have been established. This can lead to increased maintenance frequencies on your vehicles. By being alerted of the high RPM driving conditions a business owner or parent can take the necessary actions to correct the drivers’ behavior which will in turn save a great amount of maintenance cost down the road.
Collision Detection

You can choose a device with shock alarms built in. What this does is lets you know when the vehicle has had a hard impact. An alert can be generated and sent to your phone or through our GPS tracking platforms alert system.