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GPS Tracking Devices for Global Tracking System

Welcome to Global-View's GPS Tracking Devices inventory. This is a small selection of what is available to us, if you need a different device or a custom solution for your fleet tracking needs, please let us know as we support and continue to integrate over 800 different types of GPS tracking devices for our GPS Vehicle Tracking System. While fleet tracking is our bread and butter we also support individuals who just want to have a GPS car tracking device to monitor their vehicle, or monitor their loved ones. The gps tracking devices here are made for both scenarios. So take a look at our GPS Tracking Devices and let us know if you need an alternate hidden gps tracker, a different type of gps tracking device for trailers, or anything under the sun. Once again our Fleet Tracking system and Fleet Tracking devices are robust and and relaible. Just contact us with any questions!

Wired GPS Tracking Device - Truck GPS Tr

4G Global Fleet GPS Tracker 

This device is ideal as a permanent GPS Fleet tracking solution for small businesses and for individuals. This tracking device can operate as a hidden vehicle tracking device by covertly placing it in an ideal position during installation.

This Vehicle Tracking device is small and thin. It's a tad bit thicker than an iPhone 7 and a lot smaller, making it an ideal device for covert installation in your fleets or personal vehicles.

This device requires a monthly subscription to operate correctly.



Hidden GPS Tracking Device - Global-View

Magnetic GPS Tracking Device - Bolt

BOLT - Magnetic GPS Tracking Device - Great for private investigators and curious spouses

The BOLT is made to be discretely placed anywhere on a vehicle. You can  monitor the location, driving habits, and telemetry of the driver after placement. It works well with our Fleet Tracking System!

  • Rugged waterproof magnetic GPS Tracker

  • Fully rechargeable battery life (up to 2+ months of battery life)

  • Perfect for covertly tracking any Vehicle or Asset

  • Completely set up ready to use upon arrival​



Solar Magnetic GPS Tracking Device - Mag

Solar Magnetic GPS Tracker

This Solar Magnetic GPS Tracker is great for businesses and fleets who need a portable, reliable, and versatile tracking device with a long battery life. This device utilizes a solar panel to recharge its internal battery. Simply place the Magnetic Solar Powered GPS tracker on top of your truck, trailer, or asset and watch its battery life extend for weeks before a recharge is needed.

Not only does this cutting-edge  device have an amazing solar panel and a great battery, but it also uses the highest quality of cellular communication. 4G LTE, along with a 2G EDGE back up modem! Wow!



Global-View's Fleet Tracking System

Fleet Tracking System 

Global-View's Fleet Tracking System is the software that all of our GPS Tracking Devices report to. You will be able to purchase any device, and have them report to our GPS Tracking Software. Our Tracking system allows you to monitor, report, and analyze the movements and maintenance alerts of all of your fleet or personal vehicles. When you purchase a subscription, you will have access to our wonder GPS tracking platform, and our wonderful US based customer service technicians. Here are some of the things that are included in our system.

  • Configurable Maintenance & Movement Alerts

  • Assign Employees and Drivers to Vehicles to understand driving behavior

  • Task completion monitoring

  • Reports generated at a frequency convenient to you.

  • Data Plans

  • 90 days of tracks stored

  • Driver Playback

  • So much more



GPS Tracking Device for tracking Alzheim

4G GPS Tracking Device for Vehicles

4G GPS Tracking device for Global-View's Fleet Tracking System. This device utilizes an OBD - 2 interface and takes about 10 seconds to install. This is a great solution for managing your fleet's trucks and employees. This GPS tracker connects to our servers through AT&T and T-Mobile's 4G network, assuring you that you will have complete coverage across the US. This, along with our other GPS Tracking devices, also work in over 140 countries across the globe. Rest assured and know where your assets are at any time!



Personal GPS Tracker - Kids Trackign Dev

Magnetic GPS Fleet Tracking Device - Slim

The Slim GPS Fleet Tracking device is magnetic, and similar to the BOLT tracker. However, this unit has a few key differences:

  • 4G LTE Coverage

  • Slightly higher reliability due to being online more often than the Bolt

  • Half the size of the Bolt

  • Less Battery Life - This device typically last between 4 - 6 weeks per charge

The slim GPS tracker will provide a fidelity of information and data at the cost of battery life. The device is also about half the size, which can make it ideal for real covert tracking opportunities.

This is a great solution because of its slim profile and excellent reporting functions. If you have any questions about which device works for your scenario feel free to reach out to us and we can provide our recommendation for the best tracking device for your situation.



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